About WeZit

WeZit is an application designed to help you to conveniently manage, establish, and maintain your online presence. We do this by connecting all your social media accounts in one platform and providing you exclusive tools to help you maximize the efficiency of your website. Through WeZit, you can add RSS feeds on your social media channels and manage the timing of every post, you can use a URL shortener for certain promotional purposes such as for Twitter updates, you will monitor the demography of your audience and see the status of your posts, you can also upload a banner for your website, and use more features to manage your website.

WeZit maximizes the efficiency of online posts through RSS, which displays updated feeds on multiple social media sites at the same time. It lets you upload a banner for your website which is a great advertising move to promote your business and rive more traffic to your website. WeZit lets you manage and schedule posts and updates to establish and maintain your online presence.

WeZit is your revolutionary companion in enhancing your online website and maximizing the benefits of social media and the internet as a marketing tool for you and your business.

Sign up now and let’s get started!